Michael DeAloia — CEO at Evergreen Podcasts — on the business of podcasting, building a media company here in Cleveland, content creation, and Cleveland startups!
Scott Colosimo — Founder at Cleveland CycleWerks & LAND Energy — on Cleveland manufacturing, commitment to design, and the future of motorcycles, electric vehicles, and energy distribution!
Steve Potash — Founder, President, and CEO of OverDrive — on managing the largest global network of digital book lending libraries — over 40,000 libraries and schools worldwide in over 72 countries, with over a billion checkouts of ebooks.
Aaron Grossman — Founder & CEO of TalentLaunch — on building a growing network of independently operated staffing firms from scratch to >$100mm in sales en route to a $1 billion, and the importance of culture as the foundation for how they operate.
AC Evans — co-founder & CEO of Drips — on building the first conversational texting company of its kind, founding a new market category and leading the way for some of the biggest brands in the world to use automated, humanized conversations at scale.
Dan Collins — Founder & CEO of Wastebits — on building a software waste-management company and bringing technology to the trash industry.
Terence McCarron — CEO & Founder of OpinionRoute — on growing his bootstrapped market research and sample firm to 8 figures in revenue, industry dynamics, company culture, and doing it all here in Cleveland!
Brett Lindsey — CEO of Everstream & Founder of Snip Internet — on the infrastructure of the internet, the future of telecom, and how he’s realizing that future by growing Everstream to over 25,000 route miles of fiber and multiple $100 millions in contract value while simultaneously building Snip I…
Mac Anderson — co-founder & CMO of Cleveland Kitchen (formerly Cleveland Kraut) — on creating world-class culinary fermented foods for all and how Cleveland Kitchen has grown from a side-hustle at local-Cleveland farmer’s markets to the #1 brand in sauerkraut with distribution at over 9,000 locatio…